advancing side

英 [ədˈvɑːnsɪŋ saɪd] 美 [ədˈvænsɪŋ saɪd]




  1. We firmly believe that as long as the sense of superiority in mind advancing steadily on the other side near the front!
  2. As the market is advancing your suggested price is rather on the low side. Up to now we can not see our way clear to entertain your counteroffer.
  3. After that reach a conclusion that in present our nation's property right constitutional safeguard system construction shall be adopted the value model of modern topics and present topics mutual relation, modern stage and present stage advancing side by side.
  4. The hardness measurements show that the weld is softened, and the softened scope of both the advancing and the retreating sides are almost the same. But the soften degree of the material at the retreating side is higher than that at the retreating side.
  5. In the tangent flow, the flow direction is not simple and there may exist a swirl in the material flow on the advancing side.
  6. However, the bulk of metal in the retreating side is transported backward into the advancing side along the rotation direction.
  7. The results show that the temperature of retreating side is higher than advancing side, but less than 40 ℃;
  8. The metal in the retreating side is only transported against the welding direction and some metal flows into the advancing side.
  9. The same-direction-welded joints possess relatively high strength and fracture on the advancing side ( AS) or retreating side ( RS), while the opposite-direction-welded joints demonstrate relatively low strength and fracture only on the AS.
  10. Market intermediary organizations as a social organization between the government and the market, play an indispensable role in advancing the reform and opening up on Xiamen City and promoting the western side of the building of economic zones.